Apa itu katup periksa? Apa prinsipnyakatup periksa?
1Jenis katup apa yang dimaksud dengan katup periksa dan apa fungsinya?
Check valve merupakan katup khusus yang fungsi utamanya mencegah fluida mengalir kembali dan memiliki kinerja kedap udara yang baik. Memperkenalkan fungsi dan prinsip kerja check valve.
1. Fungsi darikatup periksa
1. Mencegah cairan mengalir kembali
Itu main function of the check valve is to prevent fluid from flowing back and prevent fluid from entering the pipeline where it should not enter. Check valves are very common in normal pressure pipeline networks. They can prevent excessive pressure from causing the fluid in the pipeline to flow back, thus avoiding equipment damage.
2.Memiliki kinerja kedap udara yang baik
Itukatup periksa has good sealing performance and can prevent compressed air from escaping, making the system more economical and safer. Check valves are also used to keep out impurities and other fluids and keep the system balanced.